samedi 19 février 2011

dimanche 13 février 2011

It never worked as planned... and the return was epic!!!
At 6am the driver picks me up and drives through an empty and sleepy city. I reach Maradi without trouble 2-3 hours later. The pilots are south-african guys I had met at a pool party at their place the very same Saturday...
I spend the day and the night in Maradi. But because I would like to attend a blanket feeding distribution and that Zinder is only 2h30 away by road, we decide to reach Zinder by car and stop along the way at Aguié for a distribution. We finally arrive in Zinder at 5:30pm, it's a bit late for the driver to drive back but he wants to do it the same. I'm supposed to leave the next day (Saturday) around noon back by air for Niamey. Unfortunately the weather conditions deteriorate so I get to the office but the plane will never come. Sunday there are no usually no flights planned and it is an election day. Movements are restricted. After negotiations, they will do a rotation but the visibility is still too low for the pilots to risk a landing in Zinder... That night I sleep fully dressed under a mosquito net with holes and there is no water at the guesthouse... It's my last week-end in Niger and I missed the opportunity to say goodbye in church :(
Monday... I wake up with a call from the aviation officer asking me to get ready. False alarm. No plane will land this day either. Travelling by road would take 11 hours and it would be difficult to get a security clearance to do so. I am supposed to wait another day. But finally just before the sunset a car with colleagues from Diffa comes to pick me up. The first 1/2h I'm really tense about the idea of driving by night with a guy that has already 6 hours drive without stop on his shoulders. Praise God, we arrive safe in Maradi. I never enjoyed so much a good bed and a clean room!
I'm the only one having a seat booked on the next day flight to Niamey and hope that the plane will land because I don't feel like driving back to Niamey, in addition by the time we know if the plane is cancelled the car for Niamey will be half way.... But they did it!!! The plane lands in Maradi and takes us back to Niamey (however they again refuse to land in Zinder, security first!). So happy to be back home!!!!

Pour Anibelli,
Un dimanche du mois de janvier, je suis retournée dans l’église de mes débuts à Rome. Il y a 2 ans il y avait ce couple qui venait d’adopter 3 frères et sœurs brésiliens : 1 fille et 2 garçons entre 6 et 10 ans. Ce fameux dimanche la jeune demoiselle brésilienne me voyant seule s’approche et vient me parler. Elle ne voulait pas que je me sente seule et me dit que si sa mère (adoptive) était là elle m’aurait certainement chaleureusement accueillie. J’étais impressionnée ! Puis on discute un peu, de l’italien, de quelques problèmes avec les copines à l’école. Je l’encourage à tenir ferme, à être un exemple. Non, elle ne veut pas rendre le mal même quand elle se fait dénoncer injustement par ses amies… Et à la fin elle me dit « et la prochaine fois si tu veux tu pourras écouter mes mp3 ». C’était trop mignon !
Alors leçon #1, sommes nous un bon modèle pour les plus jeunes ? Sont-ils inspirés par notre conduite et notre vie comme cette jeune fille par sa mère ?
Leçon #2, un cœur obéissant est beau à voir et encourage, quelque soit l’âge !
Que personne ne méprise ta jeunesse; mais sois un modèle pour les fidèles, en parole, en conduite, en charité, en foi, en pureté. 1 Timothée 4:11-13
samedi 12 février 2011

* according to my observation that Friday nights can only be bubbly or gloomy
vendredi 11 février 2011
mercredi 2 février 2011

After mapping humans' intricate social networks, Nicholas Christakis and colleague James Fowler began investigating how this information could better our lives. Now, he reveals his hot-off-the-press findings: These networks can be used to detect epidemics earlier than ever, from the spread of innovative ideas to risky behaviors to viruses (like H1N1).
Last Nomadic Stop
You don't need to wait for the telegram...
Ce matin-là, le monde commençait pour nous à s’émouvoir. L’opérateur de T. S. F. nous remit enfin un télégramme : deux pylônes, plantés dans le sable, nous reliaient une fois par semaine à ce monde: Courrier France-Amérique parti de Toulouse 5 h 45 stop. Passé Alicante 11 h 10. (...) En dix minutes, la nouvelle nous parvenait par Barcelone, par Casablanca, par Agadir, puis se propageait vers Dakar. Sur cinq mille kilomètres de ligne, les aéroports étaient alertés. (...) Un moteur grondait quelque part. De Toulouse jusqu’au Sénégal on cherchait à l’entendre.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Courrier Sud.
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Inspiration (2): Impalas
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also:
From the archives of Impala.Nomade...
That's a pasta of my invention (penne rigate, piselli, fromaggio) and I liked the colors, that's why I'm sharing it with you. °
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Blog Archive
- Momo Republic
- Lever de Soleil
- Coucher de Soleil
- Blanket feeding
- Portrait - Aissa
- Portrait - warehouse labour
- Flying in the field
- Ahmed le bijoutier
- Encens
- L’histoire de la demoiselle brésilienne
- Japanese Restaurant
- And as heads-up, I can tell you that impala nomade...
- By the mac is dead as well...but I got my...
- From TED, Nicholas Christakis: How social networks...