Late Saturday - Sunday we went off to L'Aquila. You probably remember this name from the 2009 earthquake. L'Aquila is not really far from Rome, about 1h30 by car. As a church and youth group we have connections with the local church in l'Aquila and it was planned that we go there to help them. However... the plans changed... the week-end was cancelled at the last minute. But in the same call that informed me that the we were not going, they told me we were still going (informally) :) You'd better be flexible! And so am I! Eight of us kept the schedule and distributed about 300 books in a commercial center in l'Aquila. You can download it here (libri >> R.I.P riposono in pace) or ask me if you want to have a copy (we still have dozens of them in Dragona :) I was amazed how quickly they went away!
Then for dinner we couldn't miss the arrosticini these sheep meat brochette typical from the Abbruzzo region. At the end of the dinner everyone is counting its sticks to know how much he is going to pay :) and plates look like a giant mikado as in total we ate 180 arrosticini in 8.
Finally we slept well but short in Isola del Gran Sasso, the village we were staying overnight. 50 years ago at this place was build the house what was going to be the centre of many camps and activities focusing on the Scriptures (the Bible).
On Sunday we went back to l'Aquila for the Sunday worship in a wooden hut on a supermarket parking. Yes, the church's building was in the city center and was damaged during the earthquake so the municipality is lending this room for association use. And ultimately before coming back in Rome we had an iceskating session... I was so happy :D as I was not expecting anymore to go iceskating this winter!
Finally we slept well but short in Isola del Gran Sasso, the village we were staying overnight. 50 years ago at this place was build the house what was going to be the centre of many camps and activities focusing on the Scriptures (the Bible).
On Sunday we went back to l'Aquila for the Sunday worship in a wooden hut on a supermarket parking. Yes, the church's building was in the city center and was damaged during the earthquake so the municipality is lending this room for association use. And ultimately before coming back in Rome we had an iceskating session... I was so happy :D as I was not expecting anymore to go iceskating this winter!