dimanche 16 décembre 2012

Alors cette boite est de grande importance pour un voyageur organisé... la boite à devises. Je suis extrêmement heureuse d'avoir l'euros ce qui me facilite la vie et m'évite de devoir me promener avec plusieurs porte-monnaie mais il reste quand même la Suisse, la Hongrie, les Emirats, l'Afrique et d'autres destinations exotiques hors zone euro. Et c'est tout de même pratique de pouvoir payer son taxi à l'arrivée, sans soucis et sans devoir trouver un distributeur en toute urgence...
lundi 19 novembre 2012

Lorsque je descends dans un hôtel de luxe (sans Pegase ou Keepall monogrammée, je vous rassure) je me sens bête... Je me rappelle encore ma première fois, encore étudiante à Edimbourg au The Scotsman Hotel (5*) avec l'indien qui voulait me faire couler mon bain: pardon?! Et bien ce soir j'ai oublié que pour faire fonctionner l'ascenseur je dois passer d'abord ma carte, puis je ne trouvais pas d'adaptateur (mais maintenant je sais que je peux appeler l'housekeeping), ensuite j'ai cherché comment ne pas prendre ma douche dans le noir, ouvert tous les placards pour repérer les pantoufles (c'est quand même + sûr...) et je n'ai jamais réussi à ouvrir le minibar pour y mettre au frais mes bananes... Par contre oh consolation, il y a une balance!!! (vu que c'est toujours la remarque des gens lorsqu'ils me voient après un bout de temps, même si j'ai beau leur expliquer qu'il n'en est rien), demain je mettrai mes chaussures à cirer et je vais pouvoir récupérer les carnets de note ce qui m'en fera une bon stock (ils sont moins radin qu'en Europe & c'est bien utile pour laisser des petits mots à ma coloc'). Et enfin, dans un an je recevrai des voeux de Joyeux Anniversaire de la part de l'hôtel. Voilà! ça c'est du luxe!
bonne nuit les amis
en espérant bien dormir, parce que finalement c'est pour ça qu'on est là ....
bonne nuit les amis
en espérant bien dormir, parce que finalement c'est pour ça qu'on est là ....
dimanche 26 août 2012

Cette année les vacances m'ont conduit en Suisse. Je pense que c'est la première fois que je passe autant de temps en continu dans ce pays :) ce n'est pas un hasard puisque je me suis débrouillée pour combiner plusieurs missions: rendre visite à mon très cher cousin à Basle, un petit camp sur les hauteurs de Nyon et une prolongation toujours au bord du lac à Lausanne!
J'ai réappris à dire logopédie et nonante... j'ai découvert que le sujet #1 de discussion parmi les gars était le service militaire... j'ai apprécié les nuits fraîches malgré la chaleur du jour (et finalement je n'ai pas trouvé que la chaleur était insoutenable... c'est ca d'habiter à Milan, on devient vacciné!!!) ... et je pourrai dire au italiens qui râlent toujours à ce propos que je me suis rarement fait "grillée" autant dans une file que ce soir en achetant du pain (adieu le mythe de la discipline suisse & surtout pas de la théorie des files d'attentes qui veut qu'une file unique soit plus rapide - oui oui il y a des gens qui font des modèles mathématiques de ce genre de choses... et observez le monop' à Paris...)
Et j'ai oublié de dire que la Suisse a rendu mon ordinateur fou :S il s'est réinitialisé tout seul (entre autres à une date dans le passé...) et ne veut rien entendre :l
ps: Puisque toute la petite histoire d'Impala a commencé non loin d'ici, j'ai l'honneur de vous annoncé que Impala a rencontré ses amis Lion et Cigale et a bien aimé le très à propos choix de Homard!!! :p have fun!!!!!!!
J'ai réappris à dire logopédie et nonante... j'ai découvert que le sujet #1 de discussion parmi les gars était le service militaire... j'ai apprécié les nuits fraîches malgré la chaleur du jour (et finalement je n'ai pas trouvé que la chaleur était insoutenable... c'est ca d'habiter à Milan, on devient vacciné!!!) ... et je pourrai dire au italiens qui râlent toujours à ce propos que je me suis rarement fait "grillée" autant dans une file que ce soir en achetant du pain (adieu le mythe de la discipline suisse & surtout pas de la théorie des files d'attentes qui veut qu'une file unique soit plus rapide - oui oui il y a des gens qui font des modèles mathématiques de ce genre de choses... et observez le monop' à Paris...)
Et j'ai oublié de dire que la Suisse a rendu mon ordinateur fou :S il s'est réinitialisé tout seul (entre autres à une date dans le passé...) et ne veut rien entendre :l
ps: Puisque toute la petite histoire d'Impala a commencé non loin d'ici, j'ai l'honneur de vous annoncé que Impala a rencontré ses amis Lion et Cigale et a bien aimé le très à propos choix de Homard!!! :p have fun!!!!!!!
samedi 11 août 2012

Because I didn't know much about this business and it could be useful for what I'm doing :l I started to browse the web and found at least two very good sites to get some insights and follow trends: AnOther and BoF-Business of Fashion. Several of new likes come from there...
SIGNATURES: “Knitting with unconventional materials to create voluminous, fluffy and shiny knits."
- PETIT H : the Hermes creative recycling project. There are some concept presentation videos on the web but hardly show any pictures of the created objects, a pity :( I've seen some, somewhere & found it cool...
- Louis Vuitton Express: the mythic locomotive was sent to Shanghai from Paris by rail. You could follow it day by day. Ok by now it has already arrived...
- ROSA CLARA: Spanish, neat, beautiful - just for a special day or two -
- LAURENCEAIRLINE: men fashion culture mix, like especially the SS13 (some who have been seen me wearing some pieces of my wardrobe will understand why.....)
mmmh I'm sorry, no pictures because I rather don't post pictures that are not mine ...
SIGNATURES: “Knitting with unconventional materials to create voluminous, fluffy and shiny knits."
- PETIT H : the Hermes creative recycling project. There are some concept presentation videos on the web but hardly show any pictures of the created objects, a pity :( I've seen some, somewhere & found it cool...
- Louis Vuitton Express: the mythic locomotive was sent to Shanghai from Paris by rail. You could follow it day by day. Ok by now it has already arrived...
- ROSA CLARA: Spanish, neat, beautiful - just for a special day or two -
- LAURENCEAIRLINE: men fashion culture mix, like especially the SS13 (some who have been seen me wearing some pieces of my wardrobe will understand why.....)
mmmh I'm sorry, no pictures because I rather don't post pictures that are not mine ...
mardi 10 juillet 2012

One day...
I'm invited for lunch by the President and the Marketing Director of an important multinational we start a mysterious game while eating the salmon...
What is your favorite color? purple
What is your favorite animal? impala
Proud of my sudden inspiration :D I couldn't think about any "favorite" animal I was about to say a frog...
Actually the color represents the way you see yourself and the animal the way you would like others to see you. No real matter what the animal or color but how you describe them... Now that I told you... ssssht! Be prepared!
Next time I'll be a Red.Impala - fire ahead ====
I'm invited for lunch by the President and the Marketing Director of an important multinational we start a mysterious game while eating the salmon...
What is your favorite color? purple
What is your favorite animal? impala
Proud of my sudden inspiration :D I couldn't think about any "favorite" animal I was about to say a frog...
Actually the color represents the way you see yourself and the animal the way you would like others to see you. No real matter what the animal or color but how you describe them... Now that I told you... ssssht! Be prepared!
Next time I'll be a Red.Impala - fire ahead ====

Three shots I liked and found browsing my computer... I haven't taken many pictures over the last year except during a few trips and I have not posted any. Hope you like these ones :)
(c) Red.Impala Setubal 2012 |
(c) Red.Impala Autumn MurMurations.... |
![]() |
(c) Fede A. Definitely like the concept and the execution! |
jeudi 5 juillet 2012

Tout avoir ou pas : le dilemme des Américaines
LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le
Par Sylvie Kauffmann, L'air du monde
et bien moi j'ai la réponse... non, on ne peut pas tout avoir... et je pense que certain(e)s sont prêts à l'avouer, d'autres pas...
mercredi 23 mai 2012

1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV) "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body
Marriage, motherhood and ministry brought new weapons into the fray. Ridiculously crowded schedules and chronic fatigue seemed to be regarded as holy Medals of Honor, so I signed up and quickly learned the unspoken rules of successful Christian living - rest is for the wicked, exhaustion is for the holy, fast food is for the fully devoted and burnout the ultimate goal. At times, I can almost hear Satan, standing in the wings, laughing at my skewed priorities and lack of discipline, knowing that his opening is just around the corner.
Marriage, motherhood and ministry brought new weapons into the fray. Ridiculously crowded schedules and chronic fatigue seemed to be regarded as holy Medals of Honor, so I signed up and quickly learned the unspoken rules of successful Christian living - rest is for the wicked, exhaustion is for the holy, fast food is for the fully devoted and burnout the ultimate goal. At times, I can almost hear Satan, standing in the wings, laughing at my skewed priorities and lack of discipline, knowing that his opening is just around the corner.
There is simply no way around the truth that discipline is part of trusting God with our health. We cannot give our hearts to God but keep our bodies for ourselves. To do so is sin. It's time for a new plan and a new way of thinking when it comes to disciplining the body. (...)
Get moving. A friend once told me her favorite exercise was opening and closing the refrigerator door. Hmm … not good! Set realistic goals in the area of exercise. Start with 15 minutes a day, three times a week. Gradually increase that time. Choose an activity with a dual purpose. For example, while you are walking, you can pray. Walking can be a healthy way of dealing with anger, venting frustration to God instead of others. A walk can also serve as a "mini-retreat" during a chaotic day. Ask God to change your perspective on exercise – then take the first step. He will meet you there.
Learn to rest. Rest is not an option if we are to function at our best. We sometimes try to feed emotional needs by refusing to rest. We stay busy because we are afraid to face our past or even the future. Guilt keeps us moving, trying to prove our worth.
Get moving. A friend once told me her favorite exercise was opening and closing the refrigerator door. Hmm … not good! Set realistic goals in the area of exercise. Start with 15 minutes a day, three times a week. Gradually increase that time. Choose an activity with a dual purpose. For example, while you are walking, you can pray. Walking can be a healthy way of dealing with anger, venting frustration to God instead of others. A walk can also serve as a "mini-retreat" during a chaotic day. Ask God to change your perspective on exercise – then take the first step. He will meet you there.
Learn to rest. Rest is not an option if we are to function at our best. We sometimes try to feed emotional needs by refusing to rest. We stay busy because we are afraid to face our past or even the future. Guilt keeps us moving, trying to prove our worth.
For most of my adult life, I have wrongly equated being busy with being productive. I am guilty as charged when it comes to living each day in overdrive. My Day Timer has, at times, been my Bible. The result has always been exhaustion, burnout and watered down living. When I fell into the pit of clinical depression, everything looked great on the outside, but God and I both knew that the facade I had so carefully erected was nothing more than a meaningless monument to self. The house built upon the sand seemed like very familiar digs and I was not alone.
We are masters of rationalizing our way to man's approval. I am convinced that when we are willing to surrender our lives to the tyranny of the urgent, the enemy will keep 'em coming – people who need us immediately, those who clamor for our attention above our family and our personal relationship with God or the person who can talk to no one but us. The list of ego strokes is long. (...)
Mary Southerland, in Girlfriends in God/ Biblegateway
jeudi 17 mai 2012

2 semaines après mon déménagement j'ai le lit, le matelas, 1/2 armoire et beaucoup de cartons...
Alors pour ce week-end j'ai un super plan! aller à en transport Sant’Omobono en commun :)
La motivation est purement pratique (me trouver une armoire (non IKEA)) mais apparemment c'est une petite localité en campagne, dans les hauteurs et avec des termes.... donc ça fera du bien de prendre l'air ---
Ah... j'oubliais, j'ai le choix entre les couleurs suivantes, qu'est-ce que vous en pensez? Naturel, miel, bleu, vert, vanille, ivoire?
Alors pour ce week-end j'ai un super plan! aller à en transport Sant’Omobono en commun :)
La motivation est purement pratique (me trouver une armoire (non IKEA)) mais apparemment c'est une petite localité en campagne, dans les hauteurs et avec des termes.... donc ça fera du bien de prendre l'air ---
Ah... j'oubliais, j'ai le choix entre les couleurs suivantes, qu'est-ce que vous en pensez? Naturel, miel, bleu, vert, vanille, ivoire?
lundi 30 avril 2012
mardi 3 avril 2012

Speaking about a balanced life, what does it mean? what does make your life fulfilled? successful? Is it just working enough but not too much (work/life balance)? How can we make the right decisions? I believe a decision is always a matter of priorities: with the same elements two might chose a different option because they don't weight the elements in the same way.
I've read about a framework lately and found it interesting as it was showing 7 to 10 dimensions on which to evaluate our achievements/satisfaction:
I've read about a framework lately and found it interesting as it was showing 7 to 10 dimensions on which to evaluate our achievements/satisfaction:
- Professional
- Financial
- Health
- Spiritual
- Intimacy / Relationships
- Social / Community
- Family
- Learning / Growth
- Fun
I don't know if it's comprehensive, but a good start, I hope you'll enjoy it!
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Last Nomadic Stop
You don't need to wait for the telegram...
Ce matin-là, le monde commençait pour nous à s’émouvoir. L’opérateur de T. S. F. nous remit enfin un télégramme : deux pylônes, plantés dans le sable, nous reliaient une fois par semaine à ce monde: Courrier France-Amérique parti de Toulouse 5 h 45 stop. Passé Alicante 11 h 10. (...) En dix minutes, la nouvelle nous parvenait par Barcelone, par Casablanca, par Agadir, puis se propageait vers Dakar. Sur cinq mille kilomètres de ligne, les aéroports étaient alertés. (...) Un moteur grondait quelque part. De Toulouse jusqu’au Sénégal on cherchait à l’entendre.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Courrier Sud.
RSS feed: http://impala-nomade.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
Inspiration (2): Impalas
An impala is a medium-sized African antelope. The name impala comes from the Zulu language meaning "gazelle".
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also: http://impala-nomade.blogspot.com/2007/08/trs-prcisement.html
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also: http://impala-nomade.blogspot.com/2007/08/trs-prcisement.html
the art of travelling
voyages divers
From the archives of Impala.Nomade...
That's a pasta of my invention (penne rigate, piselli, fromaggio) and I liked the colors, that's why I'm sharing it with you. °
The Alps and Isola Bella Nov 1st is a public holiday in most of our Europeans countries. As I didn't want to stay home, I laid my fav...
I have some material to start a new series on logistics applied to daily life (commuter trains, traffic jam, airport queue) with the real li...
Milan est une ville qui divise! Il y a les gens qui trouvent ça génial et ceux qui me disent que c'est l'horreur, qu'ils partent...