lundi 30 avril 2012

J-2... avant changement d'appart'

et à 88% d'humidité ambiante, il n'y a rien qui sèche.....

heureusement que je n'habite dans un pays à mousson ou tropical!

mardi 3 avril 2012

Speaking about a balanced life, what does it mean? what does make your life fulfilled? successful? Is it just working enough but not too much (work/life balance)? How can we make the right decisions? I believe a decision is always a matter of priorities: with the same elements two might chose a different option because they don't weight the elements in the same way.

I've read about a framework lately and found it interesting as it was showing 7 to 10 dimensions on which to evaluate our achievements/satisfaction:

  • Professional
  • Financial
  • Health
  • Spiritual
  • Intimacy / Relationships
  • Social / Community
  • Family
  • Learning / Growth
  • Fun
I don't know if it's comprehensive, but a good start, I hope you'll enjoy it!