The field is fun, frustrating, rewarding, moving, full of new experiences...
The field makes you become an internet addict, patient, creative, flexible...
You meet great people, important people, simple people, brothers&sisters, new friends... You see the same faces all day, every day. You sometimes learn to much about the others or they discover too much about you. :)
mardi 31 août 2010
dimanche 29 août 2010

" La beauté, c'est une chose à l'intérieur.
La beauté du corps, ce n'est pas très important.
Tous les corps sont beaux. Mais la vraie beauté,
la vraie valeur de la beauté, c'est à l'intérieur qu'il
faut la chercher.C'est là qu'elle a sa vraie valeur,
et c'est là qu'elle est rare. Voilà la réponse à ta question.
La beauté à l'intérieur, c'est ce qui devrait être notre but à tous."
Oumou Sy
"La Vie a de Longues Jambes" 1995
La beauté du corps, ce n'est pas très important.
Tous les corps sont beaux. Mais la vraie beauté,
la vraie valeur de la beauté, c'est à l'intérieur qu'il
faut la chercher.C'est là qu'elle a sa vraie valeur,
et c'est là qu'elle est rare. Voilà la réponse à ta question.
La beauté à l'intérieur, c'est ce qui devrait être notre but à tous."
Oumou Sy
"La Vie a de Longues Jambes" 1995
mercredi 18 août 2010
mercredi 11 août 2010

I arrived in Niamey, Niger for 3 months 2 days ago. I'm still organizing myself but it is going smoothly.
It started to rain yesterday and that's half good news: good for the crops but the river Niger is flooding so.... is it going to be another emergency on top of the food crisis?
No big surprise until now. No special animals in the hotel, food is ok for now (might become boring), weather is obviously really humid but this only the beginning... I still have time to face funny situations.
But one thing I expect, is that God is training my patience.
It started to rain yesterday and that's half good news: good for the crops but the river Niger is flooding so.... is it going to be another emergency on top of the food crisis?
No big surprise until now. No special animals in the hotel, food is ok for now (might become boring), weather is obviously really humid but this only the beginning... I still have time to face funny situations.
But one thing I expect, is that God is training my patience.
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Last Nomadic Stop
You don't need to wait for the telegram...
Ce matin-là, le monde commençait pour nous à s’émouvoir. L’opérateur de T. S. F. nous remit enfin un télégramme : deux pylônes, plantés dans le sable, nous reliaient une fois par semaine à ce monde: Courrier France-Amérique parti de Toulouse 5 h 45 stop. Passé Alicante 11 h 10. (...) En dix minutes, la nouvelle nous parvenait par Barcelone, par Casablanca, par Agadir, puis se propageait vers Dakar. Sur cinq mille kilomètres de ligne, les aéroports étaient alertés. (...) Un moteur grondait quelque part. De Toulouse jusqu’au Sénégal on cherchait à l’entendre.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Courrier Sud.
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Inspiration (2): Impalas
An impala is a medium-sized African antelope. The name impala comes from the Zulu language meaning "gazelle".
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also:
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also:
the art of travelling
voyages divers
From the archives of Impala.Nomade...
That's a pasta of my invention (penne rigate, piselli, fromaggio) and I liked the colors, that's why I'm sharing it with you. °
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