lundi 20 décembre 2010
dimanche 12 décembre 2010

On board of an Airbus 321 called Darmstadt! This time the flight arrived on schedule and I had a straight connection to Italy. I never flew through Frankfurt however it’s again a place linking me to my past. It was the big city, the special one, the one we recognized to its skyscrapers naming it “le crayon”, the one I went on school trips to the big zoo, the one where my first ID was issued…
By the way, I must look German as all the stewards and hostess talk to me in German :)
:D :D :D Then I sat on the wrong seat and my real neighbour tells me “I knew you would be sitting next to me”, “why?” – no answer – I’m reading the Acts for a while included the passage where Philip is sent South and meets the Ethiopian ambassador. I just feel it’s for me. Then my neighbour interrupts “May I ask what church you belong to?” and we talk a little bit about faith. But tradition and religion is not what God requires and will never give you the peace of heart, neither “to compensate (bad) profit making through goodwills” as he concludes. (the “bad” is mine) Handing out his business card he states again that this was not random meeting, me too – I agree, but not for the same reasons :D :D :D

This week-end I flew through Munich, a nice experience. First I didn’t recall that it was such a nice airport. I was surprised by the excellence in service: a personalized screen giving details on the connecting flights just at the exit gate, free coffee & newspapers all around the terminal, good communication by ground staff…. cool! As a consequence of a delay on my first flight I was rebooked on the next one. So I did some Christmas shopping. I spend almost one hour in the Vedes shop, I love it! I remembered us, little ones, spending hours reading and reading again the Vedes catalogue. Kids’ dreams :) everyone needs dreams and unfulfilled expectations. Xmas in Germany is my favourite, without doubts. Then, it was white in Munich. It has snowed a lot in the northern part of Europe this last week. But it was almost irrealistic after the 15°c in Rome and nothing like cold winter weather.
I don’t know when was the last time I flew to Munich, 6 – 7 years? It’s like a circle end. Munich, WDL, Starnberg have been the place of really important moment in my life. It’s where I promised I would even go to Africa, a scary “eventuality”… (what became reality after 8 years) … I learnt the importance of quiet times, and used to wake up at 6:00am, go to lake, sit on the stairs with the Alps in front of me, get some time apart from the chaos of the day just between me & my God… had endless conversations with my cousin and best friend at that time… (who I shall finally see again at his wedding on Dec 31st). And in these days I was wondering what my future would look like, but I hadn’t imagined I would study in LLN, neither move to Italy AND stay there so long :)
dimanche 5 septembre 2010

Here street indications are easy, you have only 3 roads leaving the city: la route du Burkina, la route de l'aéroport, la route de Tillabéry. If you take the direction of the airport at about 40 kms you will find the giraffes. You take on a guide (at that point we were 6 adults in the mercedes :) and drive into the bush to come closer to the giraffes. These animals are not scared, you can come really close to them. After a picture session we drove back to Niamey.
In the afternoon we headed North: route de tillabery, turn left after the toll in direction of the rio bravo golf court. I haven't posted pics of the golf but it is funny because instead of the green, it is made of stones! We wanted to have a quiet time sitting under the mango trees along the river. It was in deed a nice choice. But as we met fishermen, we decided to rent a pirogue and experience the Niger from the river. They took us to the hippos and their village on the island. The little girls come to hold our hand. I didn't know how to react but it was just a simple kids friendship gesture :) cute.
vendredi 3 septembre 2010
jeudi 2 septembre 2010
mardi 31 août 2010

The field makes you become an internet addict, patient, creative, flexible...
You meet great people, important people, simple people, brothers&sisters, new friends... You see the same faces all day, every day. You sometimes learn to much about the others or they discover too much about you. :)
dimanche 29 août 2010

La beauté du corps, ce n'est pas très important.
Tous les corps sont beaux. Mais la vraie beauté,
la vraie valeur de la beauté, c'est à l'intérieur qu'il
faut la chercher.C'est là qu'elle a sa vraie valeur,
et c'est là qu'elle est rare. Voilà la réponse à ta question.
La beauté à l'intérieur, c'est ce qui devrait être notre but à tous."
Oumou Sy
"La Vie a de Longues Jambes" 1995
mercredi 18 août 2010
mercredi 11 août 2010

It started to rain yesterday and that's half good news: good for the crops but the river Niger is flooding so.... is it going to be another emergency on top of the food crisis?
No big surprise until now. No special animals in the hotel, food is ok for now (might become boring), weather is obviously really humid but this only the beginning... I still have time to face funny situations.
But one thing I expect, is that God is training my patience.
samedi 17 juillet 2010
vendredi 16 juillet 2010

A world away from the cup: The burgeoning famine that should be the biggest story in Africa this summer
But no, there's a track leading upwards, and as you round a bend in the gorge, you see another village seeming to rise from the Earth itself, but way, way above you. So you head for this village, thinking there can't possibly be another... and yet there is, and another and yet another still, until you give up, realising you'll never reach the very highest village.

Nous quittons la ville de Téra et commençons à traverser une savane poussiéreuse dont la monotonie est parfois rompue par les huttes traditionnelles des villages. Le sable, la poussière blanche balayée par le vent et une végétation en quelque sorte momifiée par la sécheresse composent le paysage que nous traversons. Cette province située à environ quatre heures au nord-ouest de Niamey, la capitale du Niger, est l’une des régions les plus démunies de ce pays déjà très pauvre. En 2009, la saison des pluies n’a pas été suffisante. A Tillabéri, la pluie n’est pas venue du tout. Les gens d’ici n’ont rien à manger.
la suite: 9 juillet 2010

Shame doesn't kill!!! and new experiences either ;)
After that the wedding was interesting.

There is no security on earth. Security is "the state of being free from danger or threat" and no, you cannot protect yourself against danger or threat... You can try. You can try to minimize the event's occurrence probability (not travelling to Africa or Asia if you want to minimize the risk of getting the malaria) or to minimize the event's impact if it happens (that's the insurance mechanism).
We all want to believe to be safe, but hard reality is that you can loose everything at any moment... just think about a car accident or an earthquake. I know it's not really cheerful :S
I faced again this long known evidence a few days ago. In 48h:
- my integrity was attacked through an email account violation
- my friend got his car almost stolen overnight
- another friend was assaulted at the station and lost everything from credit card to passport, music player, phone... as she was supposed to leave for Afghanistan only a few days later
- malicious neighbours are life threating family members and taking pictures of them in their car, and one second you imagine the worse... yes, just like in mafia films...
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Mat 6,19 -21
dimanche 4 juillet 2010

I got angry this week-end...
I got creative this week-end...
I became efficient this week-end...
lundi 28 juin 2010

(c'était le 2 mai)
vendredi 25 juin 2010

The meeting was postponed several times. Today as well, we had to wait late afternoon to be able to present our tool.
The meeting in Khartoum takes place in about 2 weeks. Greenlight!
Day 1 -THURS-
I first need to be officially invited by the meeting chairman.
I draft an agenda and start requesting visa documents as they tell me the authorities are slow to process visas.
Day 2 -FRIDAY-
I get the confirmation from our contact in Sudan.
The Visa requirements and forms arrive. Half arabic, half english, a bit counter intuitive. I have an appointment scheduled with the nurse for next Tuesday. :) First time to the heart of Africa.
A colleague gives me the Security clearance link, where I have to register all my travel details before leaving. We are not allowed to travel before having received the security clearance.
I request flight plan to the assistant who requests them to the travel agency. I have to coordinate with another colleague before choosing.
I check what are the different types of malaria medicines (link). Scary!
Day 5 -MON-
Monday 9.30.still no answer from Sudan office, I absolutely need this authorization letter to join to the visa deposit. Visa docs have to be submitted by today 11am. I try to call them, no answer. Lotus Notes is down for many staff.
10.45 I submit the docs without the letter, but embassy is going to withhold proceeding until letter is received.
2pm I try to call again Sudan, I finally get through. Some time later I receive the Note Verbale. I bring them to the protocol office but there I understand that actually the MOFA in Sudan has to give permission to the embassy in rome before they can deliver the visa.
Day 6 - TUE-
I get my three shots (out of 6, luckily I had already Hepatitis vaccines done in the past) + malaria pills and the yellow booklet. I won't take the tough treatment and I just have to start one day before arriving in the country, what is good news in case I don't get my visa on time!
We book flights through DHX what is Dubai and not Djibouti as I thought. But the trip is on two days (leaving in the evening, arriving the next day in the afternoon) as we have 9 hours stopover in the UAE.
Visa? visa?? visa???
I discuss about my presentation with a colleague and she names our colleagues in the field "the cow boys" :) so you should better know what you are talking about...
After work I pass by MAS at piazza Vittorio Emmanuele to get long skirts and large shirts. Not easy to dress light but covered!
Day 7 - WEDN-
Second shopping wave, flip flops for the shower (and camping this summer) and a nice tunique (size L while for Europe I would take S). I'm also looking for a cheap watch but there is no way I can find something for less than 30 euros...
Days 8-11
I'm on leave. Checking emails once in a while. Enjoying friends and family in Rome.
Day 12 - WEDN-
Only three days left before departure... I get my flight tickets and the venue is confirmed. I now have to book an hotel. Good question?
And my passport is still at the embassy and protocol office tells me the consul is sick :)
Day13 - THURS-
Thursday is the last working weekday in Sudan.
I'm still trying to book that hotel through the assistant there before the office closes... what a mess!
On the other hand I receive 847 sudanese pounds + ask my bank to increase my daily withdrawal rate. No international mean of payment is available in Sudan, you have to take it all cash.
And finally I try to arrange an appointment with an ex-classmate working in Dubai...
Day14 - FRI -
Last working day before leaving.
I finally get my passport back with a nice hand written visa!
But I'm a bit worried because I still have no security clearance.
And I start withdrawing my cash reserves: 6x200eur
Day15 - SAT-
In the morning I call the airline to book the complimentary hotel in Dubai, but it's too late for the same day.
And I just have to finalize my packing, no stress the plane leaves at 22:00.

Et voici la meilleure, une émission de Karambolage (arte) sur la sauce tomate d'une italienne à Berlin et le magasin du vieux campeur. Excellent-issimo!
Last Nomadic Stop
You don't need to wait for the telegram...
Ce matin-là, le monde commençait pour nous à s’émouvoir. L’opérateur de T. S. F. nous remit enfin un télégramme : deux pylônes, plantés dans le sable, nous reliaient une fois par semaine à ce monde: Courrier France-Amérique parti de Toulouse 5 h 45 stop. Passé Alicante 11 h 10. (...) En dix minutes, la nouvelle nous parvenait par Barcelone, par Casablanca, par Agadir, puis se propageait vers Dakar. Sur cinq mille kilomètres de ligne, les aéroports étaient alertés. (...) Un moteur grondait quelque part. De Toulouse jusqu’au Sénégal on cherchait à l’entendre.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Courrier Sud.
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Inspiration (2): Impalas
Impala range between 73 and 92 cm (29 and 36 in) tall. Average mass for a male impala is 46 to 76 kg (100 to 170 lb), while females weigh about 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb). They are normally reddish-brown in color (hence the Afrikaans name of "Rooibok"), have lighter flanks and white underbellies with a characteristic "M" marking on the rear. Impalas are an ecotone species living in light woodland with little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. They have an irregular distribution due to dependence on free water, soils with good drainage with firm footing and moderate or less slope. While they are usually close to water in the dry season, they can go weeks without drinking when they have access to green vegetation.
Impalas are adaptable foragers. They usually switch between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are green and growing they graze. During dry seasons it browses foliage, shoots, forbs and seeds. It can also adapt to different habitats by being a grazer in one habitat a browser in another. Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on impala.
see also:
From the archives of Impala.Nomade...
That's a pasta of my invention (penne rigate, piselli, fromaggio) and I liked the colors, that's why I'm sharing it with you. °
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I have some material to start a new series on logistics applied to daily life (commuter trains, traffic jam, airport queue) with the real li...
Milan est une ville qui divise! Il y a les gens qui trouvent ça génial et ceux qui me disent que c'est l'horreur, qu'ils partent...