lundi 26 octobre 2009

Je dois raconter l'histoire d'une demie catastrophe. Alors hier soir nous étions dimanche soir. Et le dimanche soir c'est l'heure du repassage surtout quand une nouvelle semaine commence et que les chemisiers sont propres mais un tantinet froissés... Donc j'ai cherché un podcast de france inter et j'ai choisi les feuilletons de nuit: nuit blanche, nuit noire. Le premier était un peu bizarre mais le deuxième drôle. Mais je n'ai pas eu le temps d'arriver jusqu'au repassage technique des chemisiers parce qu'une seconde et une mauvaise décision ont produit un résultat pour lequel il va me falloir toute ma créativité pour le réparer... bon heureusement, heureusement, heureusement que l'article en question provient de mon magasin favori à Budapest. Donc j'avais la moitié de ma semelle engluée de ce polymère fondu. Et ce soir je me suis retrouvée à essayer de récupérer mon malheur avec de l'eau chaude et du savon. Je suis assez contente de moi :) parce qu'on dirait un fer tout neuf maintenant!

Demain arrivent les photos, vous allez bien rire :') --- ce soir la connexion est trop trop lente ---

ps: red.impala écrit ce message en écoutant Rostropovitch jouer Haydn concerto pour violoncelle en do M. Parce que CJ Lavoire en est devenu un fan... allez savoir pourquoi un "je ne veux pas travailler" fredonné dans l'ascenceur à 13h48 a déclenché cette crise :)


vendredi 23 octobre 2009


I especially like the first signs of surrender. I am not allowed to eat it but let's smell it, lick it and?

Can't you give me a kiss? just a kiss! come on... why not?!

Igniter Videos

In this popular test, several kids wrestle with waiting to eat a marshmallow in hopes of a bigger prize. This video is a good illustration of temptation and the hope in future rewards. This experiment is based on many previous and similar scientific tests. Special thanks to Watermark Comunity Church for sharing their video with us.


mardi 20 octobre 2009

Bravissimi attori, divertente, appassionante e c'è anche da riflettere...

A voir!
Je conseille vivement!!!

a Roma, teatro italia (via bari 18) fino al 1 Nov 2009

Took my morning bus with an Erithrean.
Went for lunch with a Cuban/Russian and a Belgian.
Discussed Business with an Irish.
Was teased by a Spanish.
Got a massage from a Chinese.
Received a present from a French.
Shared a cup of tea with an Italian.
Made a German smoke two cigarets.
Spoke french with a Portuguese.
Had a Swedish/Chilian and a Korean drop by my desk.
And finally met an American in the stairs while leaving.

but I honestly asked myself, couldn't we repatriate India in Italy?


lundi 19 octobre 2009

:D ---

This is a resounding endorsement of the originality and excellence of the CEMS degree and of the outstanding achievement by the CEMS Community. 28 schools on four continents, 56 multinational corporate partners, over 5,000 alumni bearing the CEMS flag globally and over 800 students of 57 different nationalities currently enrolled in the CEMS MIM can legitimately celebrate their success today.

Please look at all details on and spread the news! In the FT special report today, you will also read interviews of CEMS Corporate Partners and CEMS Corporate Relations Managers.

The ranking confirms once more the multinational and multicultural essence of the CEMS programme, with first place finish for combined international criteria for the fifth consecutive year. Of special note is the sustained high rate of international mobility of graduates. All criteria connected to the professional dynamism and success of alumni contributed to bringing CEMS to the first place overall.

We are also especially pleased that the MIM has been rated as the number 1 programme in General Management and the number 2 in International Business by our very own alumni. This accurately reflects their level of satisfaction with the programme itself, as well as underlining the importance of our continued quality assurance policy.

Let’s celebrate the collective success of our broad community and congratulate our alumni for their impressive achievements. We would like to congratulate and thank as well all professors and coordinators who have made the CEMS MIM the Number One programme, and the corporate partners for their on-going support and commitment.

We hope that as many of us as possible will be present at the Budapest Career Forum (13-14 November) and at the Cologne Annual Events (3-5 December) to prepare CEMS for on-going leadership in the years to come!

Warm regards to all,

François Collin

CEMS Executive Director

The full rankings table:

Read the press release:[1].pdf

mercredi 14 octobre 2009

Paris. Saturday morning. 45 mins queue at the till. Outside queue at least 100 meters. Successful marketing launch or crazy parisians?


- no comment: a fried pan/béret??? -
- I'm always taking pictures of shop windows, I think it's forbidden but I do it anyway... -
- Hotel carnavalet, Musée de la Ville de Paris, - l'expo: bof!
Waiting for the results we had a little chat and I tried to capture the instant, but didn't really get it :D

- nice garden @school :) -
- first trial-
- second trial -


lundi 12 octobre 2009



dimanche 11 octobre 2009

MISL stands for Mastère Spécialisé en Management Industriel et Systèmes Logistiques.
les non-initiés risquent de ne pas comprendre certaines allusions :)


location: Paris, boulevard Saint-Michel - France - Maroc -