Yes, if you have taken the plane recently you should have noticed how painful it has become to board the plane with all your belongings and how low cost companies try to make money from everything!
After the number of hand luggage limitation, their size, their weight, the additional price for checked-in luggage, the liquid interdiction... you have to be careful while booking your flight and clever while packing your suitcase.
Here below two summer packing list for hand luggage, italian version:
"Scelgo pezzi basici in tinte monochromatiche (una chiara e una scura): T-shirt manica corta e over da usare anche come vestito, canotta, pantalone ampio, pantaloncino corto, camicia. Una maglia a righe bianche e blu con maniche lunghe. Due pezzi in denim: minigonna e pantalone slim. Due cardigan, uno chiaro uno scuro. Un pareo e un foulard fantasia da usare in mille modi. Un abito leggero lungo e ampio, un abitino corto aderente, un top prezioso. Biancheria intima bianca e leggera, poi un costume intero e tre bikini. Un sandalo alto con tacco largo, un infradito in gomma, un infradito anche per la sera, una tennis leggera (Superga o Bensimon). Le zeppe indossatele durante il viaggio. In un sacchetto mettete un po' di collane e bracciali non troppo colorati da poter sovrapporre e mixare e una bella spilla per impreziosire una T-Shirt. Per chiudere il trolley (il mio è il lite gloss di Delsey: è rigido e le cose non si muovono troppo), dovrete giocare a tetris con il beauty e le scarpe (in sacchetti singoli) mentre l'abbigliamento sarà piegato e arrotolato: ce la farete!" Elle Italia, Agosto 2009.
and mine for 6 days in Hungary. It had to be polyvalent as I was staying a few days in town, including a graduation ceremony + canoeing with bivouac:
constraints: 10kg, 1 bag only (no other purse or rucksack)
liquids: max 1L in 100ml containers
luggage size: 50x20x40 cm
Finally I chose:
1 fleece jacket
1 dress (for the graduation ceremony)
1 scarf
1 skirt
1 pair of jeans
2 pair of shorts
3 T-shirts
1 sleeping bag (taking 1/4 of my suitcase)
1 hat
1 pair of sunglasses
1 swimming suit
1 pair of flip flops
1 pair of sandals (to wear with the dress)
1 pair of sneakers (to run away from crocodiles)
2x sunlotion (I30 + I50)
1 mosquito lotion
diverse tubes with your own hygiene survival kit (max 1l)
1 plastic glass , IKEA type
food plastic bags
local currency
1 book + 1 Bible
1 cellphone charger
1 digital camera charger
salad for the airport
what I should have taken and I didn't because I asked my friends to borrow me one:
towel, raining coat, mattress
what I wanted to take but couldn't:
knife, fork and bottle